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Hiroo Area Guide, Sibuya Ward Neighbourhoods: 広尾

Hiroo partakes in a focal area in Tokyo between Shibuya toward the north and Meguro toward the south. Being on the Hibiya tram line likewise implies that inhabitants are straightforwardly to significant business regions like Roppongi, Kamiyacho, and Hibiya.

Its downtown area status misrepresents a truly reasonable and sensible energy because of the blend of administrations obliging the global local area (counting National Azabu general store, numerous worldwide schools and pre-schools, and significant emergency clinics where you can get clinical consideration in English, including the Japanese Red Cross Medical Center and Aiiku Hospital), and the some little, varied shops, cafés, and bistros all through the area.


AVERAGE RENT near Hiroo, Sibuya

Apartment Type Average Rent

1R / 1K ¥ 130,000

1LDK / 2K / 2DK ¥ 230,000

2LDK / 3K / 3DK ¥ 350,000


1. Yamatane Museum of Art 山種美術館

The Yamatane Museum of Art houses works fixated on the individual assortment of Japanese-style compositions of Taneji Yamazaki, originator of Yamatane Securities (right now SMBC Nikko Securities Inc.). The assortment of 1,800 works incorporates works by present day and contemporary Japanese specialists. The historical center likewise has assortments of ukiyo-e, Edo canvases and oil compositions.

There are five to six themed and occasional presentations consistently. Investigate the practices and feel of Japan through the scenes, untamed life, and culture portrayed in these compositions.

2.Hiroo Walking Street

"Hiroo Walking Street" is an absolute necessity spot with regards to going for a stroll in Hiroo. This road is quite possibly the most trendy towns in the 23 ward, yet additionally a spot can be known as the central avenue of Hiroo, where local locations are arranged and the solace remains.

This street in the focal point of the Hiroo shopping area, which is fixed with antiquated shops and in vogue shops that have turned into a cutting edge pattern, is an ideal spot for a mobile course. It is likewise a vacation destination, and it is a suggested where you can go for a stroll particularly serenely during the lovely environment of late-spring.


Japanese Red Cross Medical Center 日本赤十字社医療センター

Address:4-1-22 Hiroo, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8935

TEL: +81334001311


  • Sacred Heart School in Tokyo


  • National Azabu Hiroo Garden Hills

  • Dean & deluca Hiroo store

  • Mini Piago Hiroo 5-chome store

*Simple selection of the area

Department Store

  • Hiroo Plaza

  • Hiroo Garden

Useful Information:

Police Station:

Shibuya Police Station

Address: 3-8-15 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

TEL: 03-3498-0110

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