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Writer's pictureFIRST STEP Co,. Ltd.

Criteria for Flat 35 (Second-Hand Properties)

In order to use Flat 35, as a general rule, it is necessary to obtain a certificate of conformity, showing that the used house you are purchasing complies with the technical standards set by the Japan Housing Finance Agency.

This certificate of conformity will be issued if you apply for a property inspection to an inspection agency or a conformity certification engineer and pass the inspection.

Standard Items and Overview

*1. Single-family houses, etc. include row houses, stacked houses, and multi-family houses with two floors or less above ground.

*2. A condominium is a multi-family residence with three or more floors above ground.

*3. House size refers to the floor area of ​​the house and does not include garages, balconies, etc.

*4. In the case of a jointly-built residence, the size of the building must be at least 28.31㎡, as long as it is confirmed by the building registration certificate.

*5. Wooden houses refer to houses other than houses with fireproof construction and houses with semi-fireproof construction.

*6. Semi-fireproof structure includes ministerial ordinance semi-fireproof structure.

*7. Durability standards are standards regarding foundation height, underfloor ventilation holes, etc.

*8. If the building confirmation date cannot be confirmed, the new construction date (new construction date in the display registration) will be after April 1, 1981.

*9. If the building confirmation date cannot be confirmed, the date of new construction (date of new construction in the display registration) is assumed to be before March 31, 1988.

Overview of seismic evaluation standards In the case of a property other than a condominium (single-family house, continuous building, multi-layered house) 1. The foundation shall be a one-piece concrete cloth foundation, etc.

2. The combined score of the following items (A x B x C x D) must be 1 or more.

  • A. Shape of the building (assessment of shape and irregularity)

  • B. Wall arrangement (evaluation of wall balance)

  • C. Presence of bracing, etc. (evaluation of wall strength)

  • D. Wall ratio (evaluation of sufficiency rate for required wall amount)

In the case of shared housing

  1. The structural type shall not be a combination of rigid frame structure and wall-type structure.

  2. The planar shape is not significantly irregular.

  3. The setback is not large.

  4. Piloti portions are not unevenly distributed. Manu

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